Friday, October 22, 2010

A Husband Birthday

Today is Matt's 27th birthday. Twenty seven. I overheard him tell someone recently that he's "basically 30." Matt may have accepted the fact that we're on the backside of our twenties, but I, on the other hand, will continue to cling desperately until my grip slips, due to arthritis. Regardless, today is a good day. The day his story began, and without him, my story wouldn't be all is it today. My days are sweeter because of him, my past really, really funny; my future strong and happy. It goes without saying this wife loves her husband. But how much? Unmeasurable.

Happy birthday babe. I love you so, SO much more than I could ever express. I have a feeling your 27th year is going to be incredible. Incredible in that we've-worked-so-hard-and-our-dreams-are-becoming-reality kind of way. Here's to a lifetime of delicious beginnings, beautiful years, and sweet moments. Side-by-side. Hand-in-hand. But just to be clear, I plan on staying 29 for many, many years.


The Life Behind the Lens
