Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gobble, Gobble, Ho Ho Ho & a Happy Birthday James! (Otherwise Known as The Longest Post of My Life!)

Finally! Christmas time! A break! Sleep! But first, a wee bit of crunch time. It's been crazier than expected lately, which delights me to no end, however, it leaves little time to breathe. So here's a recap... starting with... September. Life is so so beautiful. Little moments, seemingly small things. I'm learning to hug a little tighter, let laundry linger in the hall a little longer to enjoy an extra laugh. This fall has been full of life. Growing families, passing of loved ones, celebration, tradition, pushing ourselves, tears and joy alike, and falling into bed at night, asleep before my head hits the pillow. This life just gets better and better. Here's a peek into our recent days, er, months. (I know I have a slew of Halloween and tailgate photos, but goodness, a girl's gotta sleep sometime!)

Lisa ventured north from Texas to be greeted by a whole bunch of her very excited friends!
My dad turned another year wiser.
Chloe slept. A LOT.
The whole crew headed out for our annual trip to Freeman's Farm for some hayridin' and pumpkin pickin'.
 We're taking a big group photo every year in this spot.. we all thought it'd be fun to see how our families grow through the years!
 This little girl kills me with her cuteness. I can hardly stand it. I absolutely adore her!
 Real men hold babies, and cameras, and take their wives to the pumpkin patch. Four awesome guys, right here.
 Camille celebrated her first birthday, dressed as Dorothy!
 Thanksgiving with our families. We're so SO blessed.
 My dude LOVES apple pie..
 And with the holidays, comes baking..
 And snow..
 And each other.. (I stole the idea for this shot from my soul buddy, and fellow photographer friend, Dru. I saw a similar photo she did, and had to have one for our bedroom, but of us!)
 'Tis the season..
And to a very sweet, smart, special little boy in my life, HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY tomorrow! Your godmommy loves you and is so SO proud of the incredible person you are. I miss you all the time Jamesy! Have your mama give you a huge hug and kiss from me tomorrow.. see you soon! Xo!
And now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lap kitty who needs a cuddle, a hubby who needs a wife to watch Elf with, and a cozy family room awaiting me. Ah, peace. I'm soaking it all in. To you and yours this season, Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. What a year!! Nicely done, Katie Sprinkle. Cheers to the year behind and best wishes in the year ahead!


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