Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lifestyle: Caleb's First Birthday

Happy kids are a testament to their happy homes, and our friends, Rhoe and Jamie, have a very happy little man who recently celebrated his very first birthday. Caleb's what every parent hopes their child will be like. Adorable and sweet, with a face that completely lights up at the sight of his parents. And grandparents. And aunts and uncles. And cousins. A very loved little boy, indeed!

Surrounded by his loving family and lively friends, Caleb giggled and laughed for an entire day, and I swear I never heard one second of fuss come out of him. His mama and daddy pulled out all the stops for a beautiful party. A day filled to the brim with happiness, laughter causing the walls of their happy home to swell. It's always hilariously fun to watch kids play. It's especially fun to watch kids who haven't discovered age differences yet play. Caleb's little posse- a group of children, ages diapers to toothless grins, all sticky-fingered from a gorgeous cake made with love by Rhoe and Jamie, scampered about, running back to their parents for an occasional cuddle. It was a good day. A beautiful one, a perfect one to celebrate a special little guy who changed so many lives for the better. Happy Birthday Caleb!

Rhoe and Jamie- Thank you so much for inviting me to share in such a wonderful day. Your family is beautiful. Completely, sweetly beautiful. Xoxo!

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