Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The World is New: Caleb Stephen

A little boy, five days new, stole my heart completely. He belongs to my cousins, Lisa and Eric, and big sister Aubrey. He's beautiful, tiny and perfect. And because I'm so close with Lisa, my attachment to her children is huge. Can I just throw it out there that my family makes gorgeous babies? Because they do. I'll post proof soon, and you can see all the ornery little munchkin faces that belong to my ginormous family. But today is about the newest member. Getting my hands on Caleb during his first few days was immensely important to me. It solidifies in my heart, that I've known this little being his whole life. I took one look at this kid, held him in my arms, smelled his sweet, soft newborn head and felt my heart swell to an unmeasurable size. I have to accommodate all those little ornery faces somehow!

My other cousin, and Lisa's sister-in-law, Sarah, is a fabulous photographer. She was itching to do a newborn shoot with Caleb and graciously allowed me to invade her space, and try my hand at it too! I'm so thankful for it too, because it was unlike any other shoot I've done thus far! It was imperative to keep our handsome little subject happy, sleepy, warm and comfortable. These shoots should be done within the baby's first ten days of life; they grow so fast, and their curly, bendy, tiny bodies jump into sturdy baby mode past two weeks. I'm ridiculously excited about these. And I will now be stalking all the expecting mamas out there!

Caleb, you are a very loved little boy. Welcome to the coolest family on earth. 


  1. beautiful photos! you captured these extremely precious moments very well.

  2. Thank you Mara! He's so beautiful, I couldn't go wrong!:)

  3. Love the pictures katie! You are so talented!!


The Life Behind the Lens
