Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lifestyle | Annie { 8 Months }

Last year about this time I was diving into photography headfirst, and I really didn't know how to swim once I hit the water, but I was determined to keep myself afloat somehow. Lately, I've had moments pass where I cannot believe how lucky I am to be doing this. That phrase is permanently attached to my lips, and I feel it time and again as I am given the opportunity to capture love. 

Sam and Jo trusted me at the very beginning, and I'm eternally grateful for them- their trust, their support. It is just incredible to meet people through photography who I'm lucky enough to call friends. They have the sweetest, most beautiful little girl, Annie, and another little bean on the way! Annie is eight months old, and the happiest child. She's giggly and smiley and just perfect. Her smile grew even brighter when she would lay eyes on her parents, who sang and whispered to her. A very loved little girl. A completely wonderful family. 

And a huge Congrats! on ALL of your big news and life changes! :)

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The Life Behind the Lens
