Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Whirlwind. Literally..

A windstorm hit our family's lakehouse this past week. And before any Oh no!s, let me clarify that the house is fine, and no one was hurt. Thankfully. However, the dock is another story. Kind of. For all we know, the dock might be happy as ever, resting at the bottom of Burt Lake. Or it might have been chucked all the way to Mullet Lake and feeling sad to have left our shore. Either way, it's gone. As in, gone gone. Our neighbor sent a photo to my dad of our rather forlorn looking boat sitting on a hoist, waist-deep in the water. One jet ski appeared proud, almost laughing at its counterpart, who was, sadly, tossed up on the bank while it's hoist was flipped over upside down in the water. What a mess! We heard the whole lake lay littered with bits and pieces of dock and remnants of a battle only the wind won. My parents' reaction? Laughter. My dad saw the photo and laughed. It wasn't the reaction one might expect. Except if you know my glass-half-full parents. They don't sweat the small stuff. I wished I could see the lake in person. A complete mess of beauty that's been shaken and left tired, ready to be rebuilt.

Rebuilt. Newness. Function. Beauty. All in a place that so many hold so close to heart. It left me thankful for the days that leave me in tears, overwhelmed and worn out. Because it's worth it. A journey isn't a journey unless it's tough. I need to capture life. It's what I was born to do. I feel it in my soul. And I owe it to my family to give it one hell of a shot. So I may not know all I want to know. I may stumble. I may spend too many late nights editing. Laundry may be piled in the hall, and my poor husband might be forced to fend for himself for occaaaaasional dinners. My to-do list may be longer than I'd like to admit, and my computer might be as tired as I am. But. It's the most beautiful mess I've ever seen. Just like the calm, clear waters torn up by ferocious wind, underneath my mess lies new life, the life I never knew I wanted so badly, and can no longer live without. We're building it. Rebuilding ourselves as we build our business. It's going to be strong. It's going to be good. It's going to be beautiful.

This was taken via blackberry..

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