After work last Wednesday, Matt and I went to Barnes & Noble. He had a book in mind he wanted, and I am my mother's daughter, so I always have a book in mind. Currently, they are photography books. And manuals. And tutorials. You get the idea. I remembered an author my cousin, Sarah, recommended. I'm almost embarressed to admit it, but I've been living under a rock. I realized this after I took Sarah's recommendation and picked up THE single greatest photography book to ever grace bookstore shelves, appropriately named The Digital Photography Book (Vol. 3) by Scott Kelby. Notice I said Vol. 3. My ADD self picked up this book. So after work on Thursday, I trudged back to Barnes & Noble to pick up Vols. 1 and 2. Oops.
Totally worth it. I am passing along this recommendation because this man is my new best friend. Or at least his books are. Actually, they are like my little literary army. These books spell out photography in layman's terms, are organized to appeal to even the ADDest of minds. (i.e. me!) and have a little something for every type of photographer. Travel photographer? Check. Wedding photographer? Check. Beginner? Check. Confused about lenses? Check. Aperture and shutter speed baffle your mind? Check.
So if you are wondering what I'm doing right now, you can appropriately assume that I'm parked on my couch, surrounded by my literary army. We're battling ADD one "shot" at a time.
"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
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